Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Tri - coloured Cookies

Coming to think of it, this should have been the very first recipe on my blog! That's because this takes me down memory lane, to the days when I was a kid and my mum would bake this on special occassions :) I loved it so much that I would end up eating almost all the cookies ;)

 Also, I have to say that my inspiration for cooking is my mum. She is such a wonderful and versatile cook. She has a deep knowledge of a lot of ingredients and treats all food with respect and love. She would always learn and experiment and that's how she has stumbled upon so many great and uncommon combinations. And the most amazing thing about her is she mostly never uses recipes, it's all in her head and she goes with her feelings!

So here's one dedicated to mum!

For this you will need -

Cup - Any cup that you desire, I generally use a regualr sized tea cup
Parchment paper/Butter paper
Rolling pin

For the white part of the cookie -
1 1/2cup - Sugar (Powdered)
1 1/2 cup - Refined Oil (Any oil that has no odour like Sunflower, Rice Bran etc)
1 tspn - Vanilla Essence
A pinch of Baking Soda (optional)
2 1/2 - 3 cups - Plain Flour

For the red part of the cookie -

1/2 cup - Sugar (Powdered)
1/2 cup - Refined Oil (Any oil that has no odour like Sunflower, Rice Bran etc)
1 tspn - Vanilla Essence
A pinch of Baking Soda (optional)
1 - 1 1/2 cups - Plain Flour
Food Colour - Red - 4-5 drops

For the green part of the cookie -

1/2cup - Sugar (Powdered)
1/2 cup - Refined Oil (Any oil that has no odour like Sunflower, Rice Bran etc)
1 tspn - Vanilla Essence
A pinch of Baking Soda (optional)
1 - 1 1/2 cups - Plain Flour
Food Colour - Green - 4-5 drops

Method -

Take three bowls. In the first one, add the sugar and oil for the white cookie dough. Mix well and to this add the vanilla essence and the baking soda. Give it another mix and keep adding flour little by little till you can make a dough that looks like this.

Now repeat the same for the red and green doughs as well. Add the food colour to the sugar and oil mixture and the rest of the steps are the same. They should look like these.


The next step is to roll them. For this, take a sheet of butter paper or natural parchment paper. Roll the white dough into a circle to a thicknes of about 3/4th of an inch. Now, roll the red and the green doughs to form a vertical roll and place them on top of the white dough as shown below.

I realized later that it probably makes more sense to roll the white dough into a square so that even along the two edges, you will end up getting even cookies. With this what happens is at the tails, you get smaller, uneven cookies. Yeah, but they are cookies all the same :)

Once you do this, cover the red and green with the white dough but rolling the white over them, with the help of the parchment paper. Roll it as tight as you can. Refridgerate the ROLL (one big one) for atleast 30 mins, preferably upto an hour (knowing how hot it is in India generally :))

After an hour, take the dough out. Pre heat the oven to a 180 deg C now. Then start slicing the dough from one end.

Make the slices as even as possible, about 5cms thickness.

Arrange them in a baking tray and put it in the oven for 25 -30 mins.

 You will know they are baked when they turn colour and slightly swell.

This is what I meant by uneven cookies, my first batch :) Each consecutive batch should take about 15-20 mins as the oven is already hot.

You should get about 35 - 40 cookies in all. Happy baking and happy eating :)


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